Monday, 27 April 2009

Pet Portraits

I get asked quite a lot for great fun photos of the family pets. Here is a day out with Max by the seaside! He loves the water, runs around like a loon then then when he gets home spends the rest of the night having puppy dreams.

Pet portraits can be done at anytime throughout the year using back drops such as the seaside, woods, anywhere. Give me a call to book your pet in for a portrait session :-)

Unfortunately on the day I forgot my underwater camera for the all action head under shot!!!!

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Photo Training

I do get asked quite often to do training for photographers as everyone seems to have a camera these days!! It has always been on my "to-do" list to set something up and running! I decided to gather a few people who had been asking for some time and we all headed off to play around with some flashes! It was a huge success and dates are now being set to run some courses for budding photographers to learn how to get to grips with their camera and take their photos to the next level.

The dates will be published on the new website so please keep checking in to see availability. Here is one image from the other day working with Dom, it was shot on a Canon 50D and one flash on a bright and sunny day!!

I will post some more images from the days shoot soon.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Natalie and Ryan- Pre Wedding Shoot

As the wedding season starts to take hold and I get busier and busier, it has been nice to get out to shoot some pre-wedding shots. Natalie and Ryan are getting married soon at Wynyard Hall and have asked me to do their wedding photography. These photos were shot in a local park to them, we had a great time and played around with some fun shots towards the end!

Enjoy ;-)

Monday, 6 April 2009

The new website is coming!!!!

I am in the process of updating my website and look forward to the final design which is expected by the end of this month. The new site will be brighter and slightly easier to navigate with bigger more photos, less text! Here is a sneak preview, keep checking for the final go live date ;-)